Monday, July 18, 2011

Song #57: Piano Man by Billy Joel

Isn't it funny when you've heard a song for years and loved a song for years, and you hear it one day and hear a lyric that you've never really paid attention to and realize how amazingly brilliant it is?  That's what happened to me tonight when I heard "Piano Man" by Billy Joel.  "They're sharing a drink they call loneliness but it's better than drinking alone."  WOW, that is awesome!  He's got to be one of the best storyteller songwriters of all time.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Song #56: America The Beautiful by Ray Charles

So, I've been MIA lately.  The last several months have been full of change and have kept me busy.  But I take a moment today to mention my song of the day today.  On this day of America's birth, I've chosen "America The Beautiful" as sung by the amazing Ray Charles.  His version has always been my favorite version of this song.  The video I found is a slide show to the song of photos that are just plain American.  I'm so proud to live in this amazing country.  I do not take my freedom for granted and I thank all of the soldiers past & present for their sacrifice to this great land.  This land is beautiful!  Happy Birthday America!  You are loved!  May God continue to bless you!